Laser marking around the circumference
Laser marking is nowadays a commonly used method in industry. However, complications can arise during production implementation that must be overcome. One such challenge was a situation where, for production reasons, the product, a plastic tube, could not be rotated during marking. In order to achieve complete marking around the circumference of the tube, an alternative solution had to be devised.
In the end, two alternatives were tested in our application laboratory. The first was to use two laser systems rotated 180 degrees. This solution is relatively simple in terms of implementation, but may be too costly due to the need for two laser units.
A less conventional solution is to use mirrors and then mark the tube by reflecting the beam. The challenge with reflection marking is that the focal length needs to be maintained so that the laser beam has sufficient power to mark. In order to make effective use of the mirror marking method, a refocusing unit with an F254 lens was used to dynamically change the focal length and thus mark the tube in a continuous process.
As a specialist in laser technology since 1993, LINTECH can offer great experience in the field of part marking, engraving, welding, drilling, cutting, cleaning and more. This experience is particularly evident in the field of tuning parameters to the materials in question so that the application result is as good as possible visually, the application time is as short as possible and the most efficient laser equipment is used.